Monday, January 26, 2004

Raining. Again.

Oh, Raining ......
I woke up at 09.15 and found that the sky was so dark outside. Great! I was late again and it would be raining soon. I rushed to the bathroom and took only 10 minutes there to wash myself up. The rain falled before I finished dressing myself. Too late... no needed to hurry now. I got no umbrella, and there was no any single umbrella in this place. I could not call a cab, I got no amount left on my phone. *haiiyaaaa...*
It was 10.00 am and it was still raining constantly. I sat on the porch and smoke my cigarette. *impatient*

At 10.20 the rain was not so hard anymore. I took my chance and walked out to the street. There is a kiosk rokok with a large hut, I bought one package of my cigarette and stood there waited for my cab. 10 minutes passed by. All the cabs which passing was taken. Always like this... at the moment you needed them so much! I knew it!
Then an available one came out from the building across the street. I gave a sign to the driver and the cab headed toward me,.... oopss,... did not,... that bastard driver did not stop in front of me but went further and stop in front of a fancy stylist young career woman- ow, I bet she did try hard to make herself looked like an executive one- which actually stood 5 meters away from me. I didn't see her before. Shit! Stupid asshole driver!! I was the one who was standing closer! I saw his cab first! This really was not fair! Why?? Because she looks expensive and I'm not?

So, I waited there for 5 minutes more. So Frustrated. It was now around 10.45 am. My suit was half wet already. My legs were getting stiff and pain a little bit. And I felt like a fool by standing there too long for nothing. A yellow metromini stopped right in my front. I stepped in though I did not really like to take a bus on this weather.

Ok, I'll make it short. Finally, I came at my work at 11.25, soaking wet.
Why should I take this so much effort only to go to work??

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