Thursday, January 15, 2004

Trans Jakarta

TransJakarta. Less Trouble or More Troubles?
Ha! Today is the 1st day the Governer officially launching this TransJakarta Bus. They've been busy with this project since the last two years, though I'm not sure this will work to apply in this city. I heard that they will not charge the passenger for the first two weeks *imagine*. Ok, I will see.

Yup, then I was ready to my work this morning *if 10 am is morning*. Dropped my little one first at my mother's and I went straight to BlokM Terminal by walk. Easy walked. I was not in a hurry. Why not? it's nearby the house anyway. Besides, I did not intend to take this new bus especially at they first day they are operate. I know that is a stupid thing to do here. I know how the folks here. So maybe next week are better. Only if possible. But today I was only a little bit curious with what could happend at the Bus Terminal.

...... And I was right. Can you guess what I saw? A long crowded queu on the Bus Shelter! Orang semua tuh!
* Btw, it is a little bit amusing to see a Big Red Bus with a 'Kacang Garuda' similarity logo on the body*. Hauhau!
See,... I better took another normal bus as usual, followed by take ojek. On the road, the traffic did not even better than the other days. And later I had to take the risk. Caugh in the rain when I was on my way to work with ojek! *syukuriiiin,...*

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